Should You Purchase a Pre-Owned Furnace?

Are you looking to save money by purchasing a used furnace? While the discounted price tag may seem like a great deal, pre-owned furnaces often come with a bundle of problems. You may end up spending more money than you would if you’d invested in a new unit. Consider these potential pitfalls when shopping for a used furnace this season.
Technicians Won’t Install Them
Once a furnace is installed, it’s intended to stay in the home until it’s replaced. Transporting a furnace can cause serious damages, leading to faulty safety features. Used furnaces also don’t come with warranties that cover additional service costs or replacement parts.
Contractors often refuse to install or work on a used furnace because they could become liable for any damages. It’s better to buy a furnace through a reputable supplier like your local HVAC company.
More Likely to Break Down
Used furnaces have already accrued regular wear and tear. They’re also at substantial risk of being reassembled incorrectly, causing damages to essential parts like the heat exchanger. A pre-owned furnace may break down shortly after being installed or right in the middle of the cold season when you need it most.
Higher Chance of Being Red-Tagged
If a contractor comes in to examine your furnace and finds that the system is unsafe, the unit will be red-tagged. The contractor is then obligated to inform your gas company, which will turn off your gas until the issue is corrected. The money you save by buying a used furnace is not worth putting your family and home in danger.
Contact the Professionals
Trust My Guys Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning to help with all your heating, cooling, and plumbing needs in Conroe, TX and the surrounding areas. We guarantee you’ll be 100% satisfied or you don’t have to pay. Our technicians can repair, install, and maintain any furnace or air conditioner. We’re also experts in common plumbing issues, including drain cleaning, toilet repair, and sewer services. Call today for fast and friendly service you can depend on.